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Nicotiana Benthamiana Hexapeptide-40 sh-Polypeptide-76

This polypeptide complex helps balance skin pigmentation and skin repair, regeneration by supporting vital skin stem cells.

Nicotiana Benthamiana Hexapeptide-40 sh-Polypeptide-76



Nicotiana Benthamiana Hexapeptide-40 Sh-Polypeptide-76

What it Is

A fusion peptide of hexapeptide-40 with a single chain recombinant human peptide produced by nicotiana benthamiana

What it does

decrease melanin production


key regulator in melanocyte stem cells, and downregulate MITF which leads to a dormant state thereby reducing overall melanin synthesis


This polypeptide complex, sourced from Nicotiana benthamiana, is engineered to emulate Transforming Growth Factor Beta-2 (TGF-β2), a crucial component in skin physiology. TGF-β2 helps maintain melanocyte stem cells, which are essential for even pigmentation and skin health. The complex aids in sustaining these vital stem cells, supporting balanced skin pigmentation. In addition to its role in pigmentation, its similarity to TGF-β2 enhances skin repair and regeneration, leading to improved elasticity and a reduction in the visible signs of aging.

Skin benefits

Improves skin integrity and protection Antiaging properties Minimizes pores

What research has shown

This combination of peptides acts as a biomimetic Transforming Growth Factor Beta-2 (TGFβ2). TGF-beta is a key regulator in melanocyte stem cells, and downregulate MITF which leads to a dormant state thereby reducing overall melanin synthesis

Peer reviewed science

  • Cell stem cell (2010)
  • The international journal of biochemistry & cell biology (2004)
  • Pigment Cell Research (2000)
Pregnancy safe
Cruelty free
Fragrance free
Dye free
Silicone free
EU approved
Pregnancy safe
Cruelty free
Fragrance free
Dye free
Silicone free
EU approved