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Hordeum Vulgare Extract

Extracted from barley, this natural ingredient is rich in gamma-tocopherol and phenolic acids, protecting cell membranes from oxidative damage and helping reduce inflammation and soothe irritation

Hordeum Vulgare Extract



Hordeum Vulgare Extract

What it Is

An extract

What it does

promotes skin barrier function


protects cell membranes and phenolic acids which inhibit inflammation Enhance wound healing


Extracted from barley, this natural ingredient is rich in gamma-tocopherol and phenolic acids, compounds key to its skin benefits. Gamma-tocopherol, a form of Vitamin E, plays a crucial role in protecting cell membranes from oxidative damage, thereby helping to maintain skin integrity and health. The phenolic acids in Hordeum Vulgare Extract exhibit significant anti-inflammatory properties. They work effectively to reduce inflammation in the skin, soothing irritation and promoting a healthier, more balanced complexion. This anti-inflammatory action also contributes to its effectiveness in enhancing wound healing, supporting the skin's natural repair processes.

Skin benefits

Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects Promotes wound healing

What research has shown

Barley extract contains gamma-tocopherol which protects cell membranes and phenolic acids which inhibit inflammation. Barley extracts have been shown to enhance wound healing. Beta-glucans from barley also possess skinregenerative properties, which involve in revitalizing immune cells in skin, regeneration of collagen-producing cells, strengthening skin ability to deal with adverse environmental effects and promotion of anti-aging and anti-wrinkles.

Peer reviewed science

  • Carbohydrate Polymers (2019)
  • Journal of the Society of Cosmetic Scientists of Korea (2019)
Pregnancy safe
Cruelty free
Fragrance free
Dye free
Silicone free
EU approved
Pregnancy safe
Cruelty free
Fragrance free
Dye free
Silicone free
EU approved